Bruny Island outing
An interesting visit to the Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation property on Bruny island. Where Bruce, who with his wife and son farm the property, spoke about the challenges of farming on a Heritage Listed property which included not only the remains of the earliest church built south of Hobart by indigenous flint and ochre workings.
More details in the next Newsletter.
However the photographic highlight was the snap taken from the Neck Lookout on the Isthmus. This was, admittedly only viewed by the more intrepid members.
No matter, the meal and conversation at the Hotel Bruny was enjoyed by all… even if the Chicken Parma did rather daunt one of our diners. (Apparently touted as a “man-sized meal”.) Our Shed Chef recommended the Shoulder of Lamb and for our photographer’s part, the Catch of the Day was excellent.
Bruce Weller (not the farmer)