News from the Shed August 2022

A number of small, but important items from this month’s Committee meeting.


At the suggestion of a member, we draw your attention to the recently updated Beyond Blue Forums which can be found at It is a place for the exchange of information about depression, anxiety, self harm, suicide and family and relationship issues and could be of value to anyone encountering, in themselves or their friends and families, such challenges.
While the last two events could hardly be described as the usual BBQ (curried chicken and rice at members’ and roast meat and veg at the members and partners’) they were much enjoyed by all attendees and the cover charge will make a useful contribution to Kingborough Helping Hands work.
Touch wood, our social activities are back with us.
CMS welcome three new members this month. As usual, make yourselves know to these men and have a chat.
While it is increasingly clear that COVID, and all its variants, are here to stay it is worth

  1. reaffirming your Shed requirement that all members must be fully vaccinated (and be able to demonstrate this status by, for example, their phone app). Most of us are in the high risk percentile and well aware of the practicality of vaccination
  2. reminding all of us that while mask wearing in the Shed is at the members’ discretion it is highly recommended when social distancing cannot be effected.

CMS COVID related documents are available here.

Secretary, CMS.