News from the Shed January 2023
Quite a bit to report for this month.
Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)
Expect to see a few new posters publicising the need to protect your health and well-being while working in the Shed.
Your Committee firmly supports the use of PPE but, as a voluntary organisation, we must acknowledge that responsibility for your welfare rests primarily with you. We have no union reps running around to enforce ordinary safety standards.
Your welfare is your responsibility!
Annual General Meeting
Early notice that the Shed’s AGM is proposed for Tuesday 21st March 2023, all members are encouraged both to attend and to step up and nominate for both positions on the Committee and as daily coordinators.
Welcome to new members
The opportunity to welcome two new members is a little late (I blame the Christmas break) but if you do see them about, do take a moment to have a chat.
COVID-19 on the rise
As the State continues to experience increases in COVID-19 cases the Tasmanian government has updated the official COVID-19 Risk Level to MODERATE.
In line with the government recommendations the CMS strongly encourage the wearing of masks when social distancing is not possible in the Shed. Plus, we also recommend members maximise ventilation options, when using our kitchen and office areas. Simply opening windows and doors can make a difference.
Lastly, we also recommend all members check out the latest Government advice for individuals available at:
COVID-19 hasn’t gone away and its up to all of us top make the Shed as save a place to visit as we can.
Shed operating times
These are published on our web-site but, for a reminder, we are open mornings from Monday through Saturday subject to the requirements of our financial members (have you paid your 2023 membership?) and the willingness of volunteer coordinators. Best to show your interest by turning up as early as possible — say 09:00 hours.
Again, this is dictated by both your interest in your Shed and the work of a small core of volunteers.
Use of personal information
Recently the Committee has been made aware of the unauthorised possible use of member email details held by CMS. As a result of this possible privacy breach of member information the Committee apologise.
Additionally, the Committee will undertake a review and (where needed update) of the CMS Privacy Policy and its application in the Shed.
Special General Meeting
The minutes for the Special General Meeting to vote on the Special Resolution to amend our rules of association have been prepared and the relevant motion and the new rules have been lodged with the Department of Consumer, Building and Occupational Services as required.
The result of the meeting was to change Section 5.1 and 5.2 to read:
5.1 Any male who is nominated and approved for membership as provided in these rules, is eligible to be a member of the Association on payment of the subscription prescribed in, or fixed under, these rules
5.2 A person shall not be admitted to membership:
5.2.1 unless the person is nominated as provided in sub-rule 5.3; and
5.2.2 the person’s admission as a member is approved by the Committee; and
5.2.3 the person is over the age of eighteen (18) years; and
5.2.4 the person is a male
Of the 68 attending members, the vote was 61 in support of the motion and 7 voting against the Special Resolution.
The minutes of the meeting would, conventionally, be distributed by email to all attendees of the meeting. As the members’ business is not intended to become a public document, the minutes will not be so distributed. The relevant portion of the outcome is noted above.
The minutes of Channel Men’s Shed Inc., Special General Meeting may be view, on request, at the Shed.
Interested members are encouraged to inspect the document by contacting the Secretary. The updated Rules of Association are also available from our CMS Douments page.
Christmas celebration
We had a good attendance at the 2022 Christmas Celebration and, as usual our thanks go out to the catering volunteers for the substantial spread provided, to the generous donors of the raffle prizes (C Graham and Clennetts Mitre 10).
Secretary CMS.