News from the Shed July 2021
A couple of Shed related bits and a change to the COVID rules that impacts all of us. Use it in good health!
Non-Cash Payments
We are preparing to install the SQUARE electronic payments process at the front counter which will enable us to collect donations and payments from members who (like most of us since COVID-19) rarely carry much cash. Check in with the coordinator on the day. Apropos of this, to ease the effort involved in making small donations when you use Shed facilities other than the designated machines (angle grinder rattle guns and the like) check out the donation box located adjacent to our existing equipment donation box. The additional box may be used by Members for small undocumented gold coin donations where the member has used Shed equipment for personal but not used major equipment.
Check-in Tas App
Take up in the Shed has been encouragingly good with very few members unwilling or unable to use the App. Under recent changes, from 7 July 2021, each time a person enters a relevant location they must use Check in TAS APP regardless of how long they stay. From 31 July 2021 locations requiring the use of the Check in TAS APP will be expanded. More information here –Tas Govt coronavirus check in Information for organisations and businesses.
Committee Meetings
Following on our Open Meeting last Tuesday, it is timely to remind all members that our Committee Meetings are held on the last Tuesday of each month and that they are open to any interested member to attend and observe how the Shed is managed.
Visitors to the Shed
On September 21st the Shed will be hosting a Gathering, sponsored by TMSA, of representatives of the Southern Tasmanian based Men’s Sheds. This is an opportunity for representatives of our brother-Sheds to share their experiences in running Men’s Shed and observe how your Shed is set up and operates.
The main part of the Shed will likely be occupied from around 10AM and until early afternoon. If you are in the Shop, expect to be chatted to by our visitors.
Secretary, CMS.