News from the Shed April 2022 #2

Gents A couple of interesting items this month:

Visitors to the shed

Unsurprisingly, this is the time of the parliamentary cycle where our politicians are inclined to call us. Your Shed, as a matter of principle, is apolitical. But we do recognise the value of candidates and representatives understanding our role in the community. We take every opportunity for our Committee (and the members at large) to put across our achievements and the case for all political parties to support of the Shed movement and, in particular, Channel Men’s Shed inc. In the last month we have entertained, Jacquie Petrusma, Aldo Antolli, Rebecca White and Toby Thorpe. Sometime we even take pictures!

New members

We welcome three new members this month… if you see a new badge, do step forward to introduce yourself and offer a hand. This Shed is all about making new mates.

House Rooms

Each month your Committee deal with the irritation of having house rooms which, because of the risk of infection, we cannot safely use. Yes, we know that restrictions are always in a state of flux but we cannot avoid the issue that our membership are a high risk group — we see that in the turn up and more particularly, in the down turn in BBQ numbers earlier last year. (More about that below) We are presently investigating the options for HEPA filtration (similar to that being installed in school classrooms) and whether this will work for us. First step is testing with CO2 devices which we understand will give a good indication of the likely benefits of the (more expensive) HEPA filter. We will keep you informed. Public thanks here to Gary who has spent a deal of time investigating the matter.


There is a significant cost in both time and money to setting up (and cleaning up after) our long deferred monthly BBQ. The question is simple. Will you, and for the evening BBQ, your partner attend reintroduction of the monthly BBQ? Please reply to your NftS email with a yes or no, so that we can get an idea of the numbers we are likely to see and whether your Shed can get on with “Life with COVID”. It is, we understand, easy to sing out that catch cry, but your serious consideration of the health risks for you and yours is accepted. You might like to comment about re-introduction of lunchtime event too although that has traditionally been much smaller and members only.

Secretary, CMS.